Sunday, February 03, 2013

This week's zen's - I'm never sure what to say about what I was thinking about when I was drawing these.  I do have to say that I need a better way to record my images - these lose a lot when I scan them and the only digital camera that I have is my phone and that is only a 4 megapixel camera. My husband thinks I should get the Samsung Note 2 which has an eight megapixel camera. or wait for the the Samsung S4 which has a 13 megapixel camera but doesn't come out for a couple of months. Decisions, decisions....  I will add today's image later. Maybe this evening, maybe tomorrow.

January 28 

January 29

January 30

January 31

February 1

February 2


  1. wow you are so wonderful at this. great inspiration and wonderful art.
    susan s

    1. Thank you! I enjoy the process and it is always nice to see what I end up with.
